Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's a Boy!

We are expecting a baby! Baby Boy Mumford is due September 20th. We are very excited. Kyler wanted a boy and Addie really wanted a girl. Addie was disappointed just for a minute. Now she loves to tell everyone she will have a baby brother. The ultrasound looked good and I feel good.

Addie likes to come up with names for our baby. Here are a few:
*Addie (That's when she was SURE it was going to be a girl. We asked her if it would be confusing to have 2 Addies. She didn't think so.)
*Super baby

And here's one more...Here's how the conversation went:
Addie:(after just waking up) I know what we should name the baby!
Mike: What?
Addie: BOB!
Mike: Bob?....uh, ok. Thanks, Addie.


  1. A Baby Bob. How perfect :) Congrats!

  2. That's wonderful! Hooray! I hope all goes well and you are feeling good. Happy for you!

  3. Just found your Christmas card in my desk and remembered you had a blog. Congrats on the upcoming baby boy! So fun and exciting. I'm sure he will be just as cute as your other two! Hope you are feeling great!

  4. Just found your blog off of Katrina & Russ' blog. I don't know if you remember me or not but you probably remember Kaleb:) We're still in Logan. We have a blog- it's private. You can e-mail me at cpanter@hotmail.com if you want. Maybe we'll run into you since you're in the valley! Your family is darling!

