Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy 10th Anniversary!

I have been married to my wonderful husband for 10 years today! I love him so much and I am thankful for him every day. I love how we can laugh together and enjoy spending time together. I love that he is my best friend and the best father. I love how he works so hard to provide for our family. Love, Love, Love you, Mike!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lake Powell 2010

We had so much fun at Lake Powell this year. (Really, how can you NOT have fun at Powell?!)
The kids were more excited this year than they ever have been. We had swimming lessons the two weeks before. Kyler had improved so much and was so excited to swim without his life jacket. He's a good little swimmer and, of course, the rule was to only swim with an adult around. Addie had a blast, too. She loves the water and even tried kneeboarding for the first time. Both kids spent more time in the water than any year before. This year seemed a little cooler (still very hot), but the best part was there was always a breeze at night to keep us cool. I was especially grateful, being almost 7 month pregnant and all. Here's some picts!

Baby, there's a shark in the water.

Nice make-shift snorkel, Ky. That's a straw.

The kids made a playground for the lizard they caught!