Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I came up with this after-school snack last school year when Kyler was in Kindergarten. We call it Dominoes. It's graham crackers, peanut butter, and chocolate chips. Kyler now helps me make them and he's very particular about the number of chocolate chips on each Domino. When he was in Kindergarten, we'd say, "Eat the one with the least number of chocolate chips..." I think he still eats it that way. Now, Kyler asks for them almost every day after school. Yum!

"Sweet" Food Storage

I decided to start using the dry milk that's in my food storage. I used it a little in the past for making bread, that's pretty much it. But a web site www.funwithfoodstorage.com inspired me to use in a lot more often. So recently we were making a dessert and it called for sweetened condensed milk and we didn't have any. You can make it from your dry milk! The dessert turned out great. I like the website. It also gives tips on planning and buying your food storage, but I mainly use the "eat it" section. I now use the dry milk in any (almost) recipe that calls for milk. I save the fresh milk for drinking. You can also make evaporated milk and condensed soups (haven't tried that yet). On the website she explains the difference between instant dry milk and non-instant dry milk like what the LDS church cannery has (that's what I use.) A while ago I was feeling ambitious and made my own yogurt from dry milk and an old heating pad as an incubator. Sounds weird, but it worked! I mainly used the yogurt in my smoothies. Here's the recipe for the sweetened condensed milk from non-instant dry milk.

Sweetened Condensed Milk (14 oz can)
1/2 c. hot water
1 c. dry powdered milk
1 c. sugar
1 T. Butter
Blend VERY WELL in blender.