Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's a Boy!

We are expecting a baby! Baby Boy Mumford is due September 20th. We are very excited. Kyler wanted a boy and Addie really wanted a girl. Addie was disappointed just for a minute. Now she loves to tell everyone she will have a baby brother. The ultrasound looked good and I feel good.

Addie likes to come up with names for our baby. Here are a few:
*Addie (That's when she was SURE it was going to be a girl. We asked her if it would be confusing to have 2 Addies. She didn't think so.)
*Super baby

And here's one more...Here's how the conversation went:
Addie:(after just waking up) I know what we should name the baby!
Mike: What?
Addie: BOB!
Mike: Bob?....uh, ok. Thanks, Addie.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kyler's school opera

Kyler's 1st grade class was part of an opera at school. Utah Festival Opera came and let his class come up with the characters, story, and plot entirely by themselves. Then the UFO puts it to music. The kids also paint the scenery. Parent volunteers make the costumes. I made these mummy costumes for Kyler and three of his classmates. The opera was called "The Stolen Museum." Only two teachers at North Park Elementary do this, Mrs. Ashcroft and Ms. Porter, and Kyler has had both! The operas are always so funny and clever! Last year I was able to play the piano for Kyler's performances. It's so much fun to be part of these operas. It's been a great experience!